Why I’m Proud to Call Gary Sinise My Friend
When I first started Robert Irvine Magazine, I knew that the first person we’d have on the cover after myself was my good friend Gary Sinise. This month, I’m proud to do just that. Not only is Gary an incredibly gifted actor and one of the nicest, most generous human beings you could ever meet, he has dedicated his life to improving the lives of our veterans.
As you’ll read in our cover interview, supporting our veterans has been a cause that predates Gary’s fame and fortune. He started by doing what we can all do, which is volunteer. After decades of volunteer service he formed the Gary Sinise Foundation, which has built custom smart homes and had an incredibly positive impact on the lives of so many veterans.
Gary has been called the new Bob Hope, a title he brushes aside with characteristic humility. But I believe the label is an apt one, and I’ve been proud to stand by him and contribute over the last few years, and I look forward to doing the same for years to come. Gary isn’t just a bright light for our veterans, but an inspiration to me; I created the Robert Irvine Foundation with his example and guidance, hoping to carve out another place in this world where our veterans can find the support they deserve.
I believe that the beacon of a truly free nation like ours is needed now more than ever in the world. The blanket of freedom we enjoy is provided by our soldiers. Everything we have falls apart if we forget those brave men and women. Gary’s interview underscores this point. Our focus on the sacrifice of Robbi Schlitz, the mother of wounded veteran and GSF ambassador Michael Schlitz proves how important this is. And despite the great works of the GSF and others like it, I believe we’re still falling short of providing the support our veterans need.
When you’re done reading the issue, consider donating to the Gary Sinise Foundation HERE. As Gary often says, “We can never do enough for our veterans, but we can always do a little more.”
Yours in health,