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DIRECTIONS: Perform the following workout as a circuit; do all the reps listed for each exercise and then move on to the next exercise without resting. Rest 90-120 seconds after each round. Do Circuit I three times before moving on to Circuit II, then do Circuit II three times through, resting 90-120 seconds at the end of each round. In addition to the med ball, you will need an open space and a wall.



Med Ball Squat x 15

Med Ball Slam x 15

Wall Ball Shot x 10

Overhead Toss x 10

Russian Twist x 30 (15 each side)

Med Ball Lunge-and-Twist x 20 (10 each leg)



Med Ball Pushup x 12

Side Slam x 20 (10 each side)

Wood Chops x 20 (10 each side)

Overhead Squat x 15

Med Ball Situp x 20

Med Ball Plank x 60 seconds


MED BALL PUSHUP: Set a medicine ball on the ground and get into a pushup position with both hands on the ball. Squeeze the ball to keep it stable and prevent it from rolling away from you. Lower your chest to the ball and then push back up. Concentrate on keeping your entire body, from shoulders to ankles, in a straight line.



Hold a medicine ball straight out in front of you and perform walking lunges, keeping your torso upright throughout. As you step forward, twist toward your the side of your forward leg, keeping the ball away from you.

MED BALL SQUAT: Holding a med ball at your chest, squat low to the ground; try to get your thighs parallel to the floor on each rep.

MED BALL SLAM: Hold the med ball overhead with both hands and your arms fully extended. Explosively slam the ball to the ground, aiming for a spot just in front of your feet. Catch the ball on the rebound and immediately go into the next rep.

OVERHEAD TOSS: Hold the medicine ball with both hands at your waist. Go into a half squat, then explosively extend your hips and raise your arms quickly. Release the ball overhead so that it propels behind you. Run to get the ball, then immediately go into your next rep.

WALL BALL SHOT: Stand facing a wall. Holding the medicine ball at your chest with both hands, squat low to the ground. As you explosively stand back up, throw the ball up the wall, shooting it as high as you can. Catch it or let it fall to the ground, then immediately go into your next rep.


RUSSIAN TWIST: Sit on the ground holding the medicine ball at your chest with both hands. Extend your arms away from your body, bend your knees and raise your feet off the ground, then twist the ball from side to side, reaching for your hips with each rep.

SIDE SLAM: Stand next to a wall holding a medicine ball straight out in front of you. Twist away from the wall, then twist back toward it, releasing the ball into the wall as you do so. Catch the ball on the rebound and then immediately go into your next rep. Perform an equal number of reps on each side.

WOOD CHOPS: Stand holding a medicine ball overhead, extending your arms over your right shoulder. Make a chopping motion across your body, bringing the ball down to your left foot. Do 10 reps from your right shoulder to your left foot, then 10 reps from your left shoulder to your right foot.

OVERHEAD SQUAT: Stand holding a medicine ball with both hands over your head. Keeping your arms fully extended, squat low to the ground. Try to get your thighs parallel to the ground on each rep.

MED BALL SITUP: Hold a medicine ball away from your chest and lie on the ground. Sit up, keeping the ball away from your body. Don’t round your back.

MED BALL PLANK: Get into a plank position with both elbows on the ball and your entire body in a straight line. Flex your abs and breathe behind this brace.

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